NPY Women’s Council is an Anangu led organisation that delivers heath, social and cultural services in the Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (NPY) region of Central Australia.

Our place, our people and our culture are at the heart of what we do.

Ngangkari – Traditional Healers

A dynamic group of traditional healers and community educators who use their extensive knowledge of culture and family, and apply their traditional skills as healers in their communities.

Tjanpi Desert Weavers

Tjanpi Desert Weavers is a social enterprise of NPY Women’s Council, contributing to improving the lives of NPY women and their families by providing employment through the creation of fibre art.

Child and Family Well-being Service

The Child and Family Wellbeing Services includes both the Nutrition and Walytjapiti (Intensive Family Support) programs. It aims to increase families’ capacity to care for children.

Youth Service

Through a diverse range of programs, NPY Women’s Council Youth Service is led by Anangu and Yarnangu to support young people in the NPY region to lead safe and healthy lives.

Tjungu – Aged and Disability Service

The Tjungu Program helps people with disabilities and frail aged people, as well as their families and carers.

domestic family violence aboriginal indigenous

Domestic and Family Violence Service

The Domestic and Family Violence Service works with women who have experienced violence and community members wanting to see change in their community.